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Tikehau Capital

Goethestraße 34

D-60313 FRankfurt am Main


Contact Institutional Clients

Dominik P. Felsmann

Head of Germany

Phone: +49 175 875 1319

E-mail: dfelsmann@tikehaucapital.com

Contact Wholsale Clients

Dominik P. Felsmann

Head of Germany

Phone: +49 175 875 1319

E-mail: dfelsmann@tikehaucapital.com

Company at a glance

Tikehau Capital ist ein globaler Alternative Vermögensverwalter mit einem verwalteten Vermögen von 40.5 Milliarden Euro (Stand: 30. June 2023).

Tikehau Capital verfügt über ein breites Spektrum an Fachwissen in vier Anlageklassen (Private Debt, Real Assets, Private Equity und Kapitalmarktstrategien) sowie Multi-Asset- und Special Opportunities-Strategien.

Tikehau Capital ist ein gründergeführtes Unternehmen mit einem differenzierten Geschäftsmodell, einer starken Bilanz, einem proprietären globalen Deal-Flow und einen starken Track-Record bei der Unterstützung von Qualitätsunternehmen und Führungskräften.
Tikehau Capital ist tief in der Realwirtschaft verwurzelt und bietet den Unternehmen, in die es investiert, maßgeschneiderte und innovative alternative Finanzierungslösungen. Das Unternehmen ist bestrebt, langfristigen Mehrwert für seine Investoren zu schaffen und gleichzeitig einen positiven Beitrag zur Gesellschaft zu leisten. Tikehau Capital nutzt seine starke Eigenkapitalbasis (3,1 Mrd. EUR Eigenkapital Stand: 30. June 2023) und investiert sein eigenes Kapital zusammen mit dem seiner Anlegerkunden im Rahmen der einzelnen Strategien.

Tikehau Capital wird von seinen Managern zusammen mit führenden institutionellen Partnern geführt und ist von einem starken unternehmerischen Ansatz und DNA geprägt, den die 742 Mitarbeiter (Stand 30. June 2023) in den 15 Niederlassungen in Europa, dem Nahen Osten, Asien und Nordamerika teilen. Tikehau Capital ist im Segment A des geregelten Euronext Paris Marktes notiert (ISIN-Code: FR0013230612; Ticker: TKO.FP).

Mehr Informationen unter: www.tikehaucapital.com.

Market position and target clients

Tikehau Capital manages €40.5bn (as at 30/06/2023) of assets, with shareholders’ equity of €3,1bn. Our target clients are mainly large institutional investors such as pension funds, insurance companies, foundations, banks, family offices and corporates.

Investment philosophy in general

The firm’s investment philosophy is to act as a responsible and skillful steward of the savings entrusted to it through its LPs and investors, and to deploy them to achieve superior returns primarily by identifying promising channels for investment in the real economy. Nearly two thirds of assets under management are dedicated to the provision of private debt or equity capital to growing companies in Europe. At the same time we seek to expand our activity and reach as an alternative asset manager in liquid asset markets through the provision of differentiated strategies which address a wide range of institutional investor requirements.

Our key investment principles are:

  • Fundamental: combining a rigorous and disciplined investment process focused on equity and credit selection

  • Prudent: seeking asymmetry between returns and downside risks

  • Transparent: it reports in detail on its processes and remains accessible to its investors

  • Independent: investments are made based on strong convictions, free from benchmark constraints

  • Alignment of interests: Tikehau Capital is a core investor in every strategy launched by the Group


The Group's ESG philosophy is based on three pillars:

Governance Pillar

Tikehau Capital's Responsible Investment Charter makes governance one of the cornerstones of ESG analysis within the Group. It states that “model governance is based on transparent rules organising power and checks and balances. This type of governance enables the Company to ensure the interests of all the stakeholders (employees, executives, financiers, shareholders, the public etc.), to anticipate trends and to improve risk management.”

In terms of governance, Tikehau Capital promotes clear and proportional rights. The Group generally maintains a dialogue with the management of the companies in which it has invested and with the other stakeholders. Due to its different business lines and the specific circumstances of each investment, the Group nevertheless does not intend to be systematically involved in the governance of the companies it finances.

Social Pillar

Tikehau Capital adheres to the principles laid down in the fundamental conventions of the International Labour Organisation ("ILO") concerning (i) respect for the freedom of association and right to collective bargaining, (ii) the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation, (iii) the elimination of forced and compulsory labour, and (iv) the effective abolition of child labour.

The Group endeavours to ensure that human resources play an integral part of its own strategy and of that of the companies in which it invests. Depending on the nature of the businesses and their industries, qualitative or quantitative criteria used in regard to social aspects may vary: human resources policy, social risk, employee safety and work-related accident rates.

Tikehau Capital’s approach rests on the belief that high-quality management of human resources is required for a company to be productive, reduce social risks of any kind and therefore prove to be a promising investment.

Environmental Pillar

During the environmental analysis of the issuers, Tikehau Capital considers risks and opportunities related to climate change, the types of Real Estate assets and energy efficiency. The Group also takes account of the exposure to proven or potential environmental controversies.

In line with the recommendations of Decree no. 2015-1850 of 29 December 2015 implementing Article 173 (VI) of the French Energy Transition for Green Growth Act, Tikehau Capital has commissioned S&P Trucost Limited (“Trucost”), a leading expert in environmental impact assessments, to conduct carbon assessments on its main liquid funds.



ESG-Officer / ESG-Abteilung x
Unterzeicher der UN PRI x
Nachhaltigkeits-/ESG-Bericht (Unternehmensbericht) x
ESG (Unternehmens-) Rating x


Aktien x
Fixed Income
Andere x

ESG Kompetenz und USPs

Tikehau Investment Management signed the Principles for Responsible Investment ("PRI") in 2014, confirming its long-term commitment to integrate the ESG dimension into its investment strategy. Tikehau IM employs ESG Officers who oversee all the ESG-related activities.

All levels of the Group's hierarchy are involved in the responsible investment process. When considering a new investment, the ESG policy is taken into account in the analyses carried out by the investment teams and is treated in similar ways as other economic, financial or operational indicators. Within each investment teams, key ESG contacts have been nominated and act as representatives to promote the integration of ESG criteria in their business line.

Tikehau Capital top management is involved in the development of ESG and Climate policies. Mathieu Chabran (a co-founder of the group) is involved in structuring and formalising ESG and climate policies as a permanent member of the ESG Committee. This ESG Committee has been set up to steer, oversee and integrate the ESG strategy across the organisation. Moreover, the committee is made up of different senior representatives of the organisation, which demonstrates the importance this subject holds for the management.

Tikehau Capital received the A+ score for the Strategy & Governance module.



ESG Intergration x
Best in Class

Ausschlusskriterien x
Positiv Screening
Impact Investing x
Engagement / Active Ownership x
Mindeststandards / Normenbasierte Kriterien
ESG Reporting x